Anglo-Saxon On-Line Resources



Antiquity an international journal of expert archaeology.  Lots of British digs are published here. Back issues of Antiquity journal available on-line

Council for British Archaeology  Their research reports section has out of print CBA reports available in pdf format.

Canterbury Archaeological Trust Archive of Annual Reports – May be slow to load 

Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History  


Saxon Settlers in the Dartford Area Photos and discussion of  Saxon burial goods in Kent

Two Late Saxon Combs from the Longmarket Excavations

Saxon Pieces in the Metropolitan Museum of Art


Objects from the Saltwood Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries

Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Excavations, Castle View, Mayfield Avenue, Dover 

A Saxon Graveyard at Water Lane Melbourn

Archaeological Solutions (formerly Hertfordshire Arch. Trust)  Several early medieval period sites

The Jutish Cemetery at Lyminge

Searchable Databases

PotWeb  Ceramics online at the Ashmolean Museum

Searchable Database of Objects in the British Museum’s Collections

Interpretation of Artefacts

Aspects of Burial: Four Inhumation Cemeteries in East Anglia

Sexing and Ageing early Anglo-Saxon Burials


Clothing of Bog Bodies on Archaeology Magazine’s website contains a photo of the dress, reconstructed.

Computer Resources   

Fonts and Characters

Junicode Font for Medievalists if you’re missing thorns, eths, and runes 

Old English Accent Codes Making web page and getting existing ones to display ligatures”æ”, thorns “þ” & eths “ð” properly. 

PhiloBiblon’ Help Page includes composing non-English Characters



Frankish Costume  

Joseph Strutt’s A Complete View of Dress and Habits of the People of England 19th c. theories on A-S dress

9th C. Anglo Saxon clothing 

Regia Anglorum Authenticity Guide  Detailed guidance for members of the UK reenactment group Regia Anglorum.

Specific Articles of Clothing

An Anglo-Saxon Cyrtel  This was a from the ground up project to make a cyrtel for Hastings 2000.

7th Century Anglo-Saxon Shoes by Tarrach Alfson

Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia Hose to go in your shoes


Melanie Wilson Saxon beads

Glass and Amber Beads – Regia

Timeless Beads


Costume Classroom Offered classes in Early and Middle Anglo-Saxon Costume by Ben Levick


‘Reverie: Dress Style in the Two Millennia’ by Dr Gale R. Owen-Crocker.  An article in Dragons in the Sky, an electronic-book comparing 10-11th c.England to today

Jewelry found at Anglo-Saxon archeological sites. A course review by Jennifer Bray recorded on Stefan’s Floregium, originally posted to


Buildings and Tents    

The Anglo-Saxon ‘Geteld’ How to make one

Thora Sharptooth’s geteld Pictures of Thora’s

The Saxon House at Authausen, Saxony, Germany


Collection: Medieval and Anglo-Saxon Recipes the trout, stews and fruit crumble are speculative Saxon-style recipes from the British Museum Cookbook

Anglo-Saxon Plant-Name Survey


Map of Anglo-Saxon England  by Matthew White

Anglo-Saxon Map of England  The Cottoniana or Anglo-Saxon Map ca. 995 A.D.

Maps at

The Heptarchy


Medieval Mauscripts Unlocked . ‘Labours of the Months’ from BL Cotton Julius A. vi 11th c.

Anglo-Saxon Labors of the Months BL Cotton Tiberius B. V/1, ff. 3r-8v 11th c.

Géarmæl/Calendar: An Anglo-Saxon Géarmæl (Year-reckoning) by The Ealdríce Théodish Fellowship  Gives the dates of the Anglo-Saxon months and holidays for modern years along with notes on how this was determined.

A Month by Month Guide To The Anglo-Saxon Calendar by Paul Anthony Jones.  An explanation of Bede’s calandar from De temporum ratione, or “The Reckoning of Time,”


Anglo-Saxon Paganism  The wikipedia article is a nice overview and has good sources cited..

The Conversion of the Pagans article by Regia Anglorum

The Origins of the Anglo-Saxon Church article by Regia Anglorum 


The Avalon Law Project: Anglo-Saxon Law  Extracts From Early Laws of the English at teh Yale Law School website


Embroidery and Sewing    

Anglo-Saxon and Viking Works of the Needle: Some Artistic Currents in Cross-Cultural Exchange by  Carolyn Priest-Dorman

Embroidery Techniques Regia Anglorum 

Archaeological Sewing by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn


A Saxon Threaded-In Tablet Weave

Metallic Trims for Some Early Period Personae

Weaving on the Warp-Weighted Loom: Some Source Materials

Medieval Textiles Study Group

Brocaded Tablet Weaving Lord Rufus of Stamford

The Ultimate Tablet Weaving Bibliography

North European Symposium on Archaeological Textiles


Lothene Experimental Archaeology: Craft Activities

ASPNS Bibliography 12: Dye & Textile History 

Saxon Re-enactors    


The Ealdríce Théodish Fellowship a small group of re-enactors from Regia Anglorum who wished to re-create the period between 450 and 750 AD

Raven’s Warband a re-enactment society of the early Anglo-Saxon period (circa 500AD)

Dark Ages Society recreating a time of Viking Invasion and of Anglo-Saxon resistance led by Alfred the Great the late 9th c.

Ða Engliscan Gesiþas the society for people interested in all aspects of Anglo-Saxon language and culture

Regia Anglorum Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Norman and British Living History.  They have articles on nearly every aspect of daily life.

The Vikings Professional Viking-Age re-enactors.  Their well researched authenticity guide is available on-line.

United States

Geforðian Strandi The North American branch of England’s Regia Anglorum

Baldurstrand is a group of historical re-enactors in western states of the U.S.: California, Nevada and Oregon. 

Living History

Bede’s World Saxon Living History Museum in Jarrow

West Stow Reconstructed village and Living History Museum, near Bury St. Edmunds

Friends of West Stow The volunteers who keep it running

The Vikings Celtic, Norman and Viking, and Saxon Re-enactment


On-Line Journals    

The Heroic Age is a free online journal dedicated to the study of the Northwestern Europe from the Late Roman Empire to the advent of the Norman Empire

Old English

Old English Pages  Learn Old English on-line, Fonts to download, learn to pronounce it, or just listen to the poetry readings.

Awritan on Englisc  Learn to write in Old English

Historic Texts   

Anglo Saxon Charms You never know when you might be elf-shot.

Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts Links to photos of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts around the world.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle   Be dubious of the dates in the earlier sections.  Archaeological evidence sometimes differs.

Pope Gregory’s Correspondence  Letters to Augustine and others regarding his trip to England to convert those heathen Saxons

The Electronic Sawyer Professor Sawyer’s Anglo-Saxon Charters: an Annotated List and Bibliography

The Labyrinth:Resources for Medieval Studies 

Oaths of Fealty  Dragonbear’s website


Angulsaxean Pages on History, Maps, Literature, Coins, Charters and Bibliographies

Anglo-Saxon History: A Select Bibliography by Simon Keynes  This is the big one, maintained by the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University

Medieval Names Archive – Old English

More Links

Ravensgard Anglo-Saxon Culture -Gerek and Chemine

NetSerf The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources